We Fight Ice With Steam

How It Works A Step By Step Of Ice Dam Removal With Steam

The foreman will do a job safety assessment upon arrival. We are looking for hazards like ice or snow, roof pitches, egress windows, exhaust vents, skylights, and sewer vents (if a customer knows, it’s beneficial to our process.)

The crew removes snow on top of the ice and prepares for steaming.

While our crew removes snow, the foreman hooks up the steamer to power and water. Please have a 110w (15amp circuit breaker) outlet available for us to use

Our foreman links into a safety harness and approaches the roof. They cut a grid within the ice called an ice graft working from one end to the other. These are 6-inch x 8-inch blocks removed from the roof.

Our crew does ground clean-up. We remove any fallen snow and ice from all walkways.

Our crews pack up, and our foreman invoices you.

Sleep easy, knowing your building is dry and safe